History |
Early Beginnigs Holding the distinction of being one of the oldest congregations in continuous existence in Ohio this church, founded by veterans of Washington's Continental Army, traces its lineage to 1799. It was constituted in a home of an early settler. Its covenant was brought from Kentucky by one of its first members. Early clerk's records displayed for Pilgrimage visitors state that Aaron Nutt was commissioned to build the first meeting house for the Baptist Church of Sugar Creek in 1802 on his land. The site was located where the old cemetery now stands on North Main Street. According to a contract recorded in the History of Montgomery County, Mr. Nutt was to receive produce and cattle for constructing the log church if it was completed by July or otherwise fifty pounds sterling. The previous year Dr. John Hole became its first member to be baptized in the community. The rite of baptism was observed in Silver Creek, later renamed Holes Creek in his honor. After the log church was finished, some of its members were delegated to mark a road through the dense forest to the Wilson and McGrew settlements (probably east on present 725) for easier access to the house of worship. A sexton was hired to build fires and clean the church for three dollars per A stone church was erected on the same site in 1832, with Daniel Wilson acting as construction agent for the building, which had dimensions of thirty-two by forty-four feet. The congregation in 1866 acquired the old stone Centerville Academy, a private school, in the center of the vil The stone building was refurbished and used as a house of worship until 1872. The structure was razed and the present building was erected in the style of the New England clapboard church. Records show that Hiram Maltbie, James Wilson, and David Thatcher each contributed one fourth the cost, with the rest of the other members giving the other fourth. Under girded with a foundation of Centerville limestone, this building has been altered countless times. All that remains of the original frame building is the center section. The congregation a dded a baptistery in 1895 and a frame addition was completed in 1913. A two story construction consisting of a balcony and classrooms were joined to the front in 1945. A block annex, kitchen and classrooms were dedicated in 1949, the church's sesquicentennial year. Revival Fires Fall In 1966 God poured out His Spirit on the Church. Since that time the Church has known the Holy Spirit's power and ministry in the lives of the members and His presence in the services in an increasing way. According to Scripture, the people that fill the building are the church and it is God through the Holy Spirit He has given those who believe on Jesus for forgiveness that fills the people. A new addition to the sanctuary was completed in 1975 increasing our seating capacity to 650. The building was also enlarged to include a fellowship hall and additional class rooms at that time. The seating arrangement was reversed with the Main Street entrance now s From 1972-2004 the church was the home of a Bible school dedicated to the training and education of Christians for service and ministry. Centerville Bible College, formed by Maranatha Institute, has seen hundreds of students attending classes and the graduates are presently serving as pastors in churches across the country as well as missionaries on the foreign field. The church property covers over three acres of land and includes the church sanctuary and educational facilities. two parsonages, an office complex, classrooms and Library. William Browning has served as the Pastor since 1983. Vineyard Affiliation The Name of the Church was changed to CROSS POINT CHURCH on September 12,1999 to reflect the vision of the church to point people to the demonstration of God's love on the cross and the provision for all the needs of mankind provided therein. The Name also reflects the fact that it is at a cross point in life that people have a crisis of faith and can believe God and see his love revealed to them. The church being at the cross . We desire to be a caring, equipping community providing discipleship opportunities where people can mend,mature, minister, model and multiply as we serve the purposes of God in our generation. In 2006 the church joined the Vineyard USA Community of churches and the name of the church became Cross Point Vineyard Church. For all this we can only praise God for His goodness and grace and our continued privilege of witnessing to His love and saving power through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. |